This April, Liminality will receive its European Premiere presented within the CULTVR Dome, a specially built 12m performance dome created purposely to bring this innovative work to the UK and in particular to Welsh audiences for the first time time. The CULTVR Dome provides audiences with over 225 square meters of immersive screen, ambisonic surround sound and immersive lighting. The piece will join the newly commissioned Juniper performance featuring Slowly Rolling Camera, both being presented as part of 2019’s Diffusion Festival. The CULTVR dome will be located within RR3 at the Wales Millennium Centre, becoming the largest projection environment ever to come to Wales.
A partnership between 4Pi Productions and Society of Arts and Technology.
Supported by Arts Council of Wales, British Council Wales, Wales Arts International and Coreo Cymru.
Yn 2018 fe deithiodd tîm o artistiaid digidol o Gymru i Montreal yng Nghanada i gynhyrchu a chyflwyno perfformiad ymdrochol byw unigryw – cydblethiad o ddawns gyfoes, ffilmiau 360º a cherddoriaeth fyw. Datblygwyd ‘Liminality’ gan 4Pi Productions mewn partneriaeth gyda’r Society of Arts and Technology (SAT). Cafodd ei ddangos am y tro cyntaf mewn canolfan dan ei sang ym Montreal ym mis Mawrth 2018, ac yna cafodd ei gyflwyno fel un o ddetholiadau swyddogol FIFA (International Festival of Films and Art) rhwng 13-31 Mawrth 2018.
Partneriaeth rhwng 4Pi Productions a’r Society of Arts and Technology.
Gyda chefnogaeth Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, British Council Cymru, Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru a Coreo Cymru.